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Coverage Report 21

SEBA 2021: SME And Entrepreneurs Business Awards (SEBA) Is Back To Honour And Celebrate Outstanding SMES And Entrepreneurs

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KUALA LUMPUR, December 11 – SME and Entrepreneurs Business Awards (SEBA), an annual initiative organised by Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia that aims to recognise Malaysia’s most notable companies and entrepreneurs, is back once again. In partnership with Celcom Business, Yayasan Usahawan Malaysian hosted their 6th Grand Awards Gala Evening on the 9th of December 2021, at the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Over 350 guests attended the event to witness the unveiling of this… Read More »SEBA 2021: SME And Entrepreneurs Business Awards (SEBA) Is Back To Honour And Celebrate Outstanding SMES And Entrepreneurs

Queenspree wins Fast-Growing SME Award

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(From left) Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Tan Sri Noh Omar, Queenspree   chief executive officer Abdul Rahman Md Din and Entrepreneurship Foundation Malaysia chairman Nitesh Malani at the SME and Entrepreneurs Business Awards 2021 in Kuala Lumpur last Thursday.   KUALA LUMPUR: Online retailer of kitchen furnishing products, Queenspree, has made a mark in the local e-commerce scene by earning the prestigious Fast-Growing SME Award — Most Promising in Retail e-Commerce… Read More »Queenspree wins Fast-Growing SME Award

Shinjiru Technology dapat pengiktirafan SEBA

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Shinjiru Technology dianugerahkan Pembekal Perkhidmatan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) Terbaik dalam Penyelesaian Web pada Penyelesaian Web pada Anugerah Perniagaan PKS dan Usahawan (SEBA) 2021. KUALA LUMPUR – Shinjiru Technology Sdn. Bhd. (Shinjiru), salah satu syarikat penyedia perkhidmatan web terkemuka di negara ini dianugerahkan Pembekal Perkhidmatan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) Terbaik dalam Penyelesaian Web pada Anugerah Perniagaan PKS dan Usahawan (SEBA) 2021. Anugerah yang dianjurkan oleh Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia… Read More »Shinjiru Technology dapat pengiktirafan SEBA


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SME and Entrepreneurs Business Awards (SEBA), is an annual award ceremony held by Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia aimed at bringing exposure to the most notable companies and entrepreneurs in Malaysia. With Celcom’s support, the 6th Grand Awards Gala Evening was hosted on 9 December 2021 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. from the left : Nitesh Malani, Tan Sri Datuk Sri Haji Noh Omar and Dato Suriani Tan Sri Datuk Sri Haji… Read More »MEDAC COMMENDS SEBA EFFORTS TO BLOOM MALAYSIA’S ECONOMY

Siti Nurhaliza Terharu Terima Anugerah ‘Entrepreneur Of The Year’

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Penyanyi dan usahawan terkenal tanah air Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza menghadiri majlis SME and Entrepreneurs Business Awards (SEBA) 2021 semalam, yang berlangsung di Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Terima Anugerah ‘Entrepreneur Of The Year’ Melihat klip video yang dikongsikan oleh usahawan wanita ini di Instagram nya, Dato Sri Siti menerima anugerah ‘Entrepreneur Of The Year’ dalam acara berprestij itu. Usahawan selebriti ini mengucapkan rasa syukur dan terharunya, kepada keluarga besar syarikatnya dan juga orang ramai… Read More »Siti Nurhaliza Terharu Terima Anugerah ‘Entrepreneur Of The Year’